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Turkey, Stuffing, Christmas Pudding and Mulled Wine. Christmas is around the corner, and that means so are Christmas dinners!

Sassy and the team at Doorstep Luxury have been making an effort to try and stay healthy in the lead up to Christmas with our morning runs and office “diet”, which is often quite challenging! However, being lucky enough to have a best friend who is working towards becoming a nutritionist, I have been spoilt with some really interesting and innovative ‘healthy lifestyle’ tips.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you all to Khushboo Thadani. Sent to us early this year from the North Pole!


Khushboo officially began her weight loss journey back in 2004 and over time after experimenting with a number of different diets and weight loss programmes she has started writing a blog on all the exciting finds she has experienced through her journey.

Khushboo’s blog, since she started it back in March has become one of my daily reads. Whether it is looking for new recipes, exercise ideas or nutritional facts, Khushboo keeps you up to date with the latest tips. Check out her blog at https://kthadani.wordpress.com/ to get some great insider information on how to stay fit and healthy in time for Santa’s arrival!

Khushboo has kindly written an exclusive post for Doorstep Luxury on tips of how to avoid holiday weight gain. Make sure you have a read of her tips and let us know your secrets to surviving the festive season!

Season’s greetings from Khushboo

As December is upon us once again, I can’t help but to feel excited about the upcoming celebrations.  Festivities with friends and family are looming which, if your loved ones are anything like mine, means a lot of GOOD food and drink.  Holidays in general seem to be the green light to eat everything in sight.  While I am most definitely looking forward to indulging, I won’t be going overboard…so I say now. Here are some of my tips which may help minimize the damage. After all, we may as well be one step ahead of our New Year’s resolution.

 Don’t be a people’s pleaser

Whether it’s your grandmother or the ‘hostess with the mostest’, somebody will always be egging you on to ‘eat more’ or ‘try this’.  Don’t be afraid of saying no as no one is going to respect you more by having that extra cupcake.

 Don’t let alcohol dissolve your resolve

Easier said than done, limit your alcohol consumption.  For a lower-calorie option, stick to wine, champagne, and spirits like vodka, rum and whiskey. By alternating each drink with a glass of water, the morning after will also be a lot more pleasant. 

 Wear fitted clothes

I could live in my pair of leggings but every now and then, I throw on a pair of jeans or trousers.  Subtle hints like a tightened waistband are enough to get me back on track.

 Have a snack before you go out

Hungry or not, always eat something before you head out.  Whether it’s a piece of fruit or a full-on meal, it’ll make it a lot easier to say ‘no’ to the customary bread basket or caloric nibbles.

 Indulge intelligently

Don’t attack everything in sight.  Instead choose foods which are worth every bite.  Remember good things come in small packages J

 Eat clean when possible

You don’t always have control over your choices when eating out/at someone’s house but you do in your own house.  Limit the damage by eating clean at home i.e. enrich your diet with slow-release, wholegrain carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

 Don’t skip meals

Don’t pat yourself on the pat because you skipped breakfast.  Skipping meals is a disaster waiting to happen.  The hunger will find you…believe me!

 Fit in exercise where possible

With all the partying, nursing a hangover, doing family rounds, and going to work, holidays are a busy period.  With 1,440 minutes in a day, I’m sure you can slot in 30 minutes worth of exercise.

 Stay hydrated

Mild dehydration is often confused with hunger so before reaching for the cookie jar, drink a glass of water.  

 Be prepared

Fail to plan and you are planning to fail.  I can’t remember the last time I left home without a snack in my handbag.  An apple, cereal bar, dried fruit, or nuts: carry SOMETHING in case the munchies hit!

 And lastly

 Enjoy yourself

Even if you do gain a few pounds, it’s not the end of the world.  Just be sure to get your trainers on when January 2nd rolls around :).